Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Bounty: Simple Butternut Squash Soup

Sticking to my theme of simple, quick, and nutritious meals for your family using your summer bounty, here is my butternut squash recipe:

1 large butternut squash
1 large onion (diced)
1 large potato
2 tbs butter
salt & pepper to taste
optional: garlic, sour cream

1. Cut off all the skin of one large (or 2 small/medium) butternut squash.
Note:  I heard that it may be easier to do this if you roast in the oven for a bit. If you do it this way, obviously you don't have to boil as long. I don't do it this way because it is more washing and more steps for me to mess it up with the kids always distracting me!

2. Cut squash into half, remove the stringy seedy inside, and cut into 1 1/2 inch chunks. Peel the potato and cut into quarters.

3. Put squash & potato in a large pot, cover with broth of your choice, until about 1 inch over the squash.

4. Boil until squash is very soft (about 15 - 20 mins). Add more water or broth if liquid level drops below squash.

5. In a separate pan, melt butter and saute onions until soft. Season with salt. Optional: sneak in some garlic. One or 2 chopped garlic cloves.

6. Add onion mixture to pan, along with the remaining 1 tbs butter.

7. Wait until squash has cooled a bit, then puree.

* You may need to add water depending on your thickness preference. I tend to like thick soups.

To serve, add a tsp of sour cream, and serve with some crusty bread. Pair with a leafy and veggie salad for a perfect summer dinner.

Let me know if you try it!

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