Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Reading To Kids Is Crazy

Let me be clear. Reading to your kids each day is not crazy. The crazy comes while trying to read to your kids, if say, your kids are mine.

I love more than anything the sweet moments shared while reading to my kids over the years. However, now that my littlest one is a full-fledged-two-year-old, its been, ugh, interesting.

Unlike her 5-year-old brother, she does not like to listen us read the book. She would rather us listen to her read the book. And she has a lot, I mean a lot, of words to say about each page. and every. page.

Here is what happens when I try to rush her a little so her brother can read the actual text so he will not get bored.

Sometimes I have to READ REALLY LOUD over her, because more than likely she doesn't want to listen to me and wants to read her own book beside me. Or in this case, she is singing her book. (It's cute as pie though right?)

Sometimes she manages to listen to the story I am reading, while she is reading another book at the same time. She will retell the story to me later pretty dead on. Toddler's are pretty amazing after all. They are little sponges.

I notice this in my kids yoga classes. Some kids will be roaming the room, reading or playing with something else, then go home and show their parents some yoga. Um, wow.

And finally, after taking 20 minutes to complete one single simple book after much patience and many fits and arguments about whose turn it is ... we get to start a whole other book.

And that is why it's crazy reading books with my kids. But I love it. Mostly. Good night!

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